Thursday, November 8, 2012

SkADaMo #8

During story time tonight while putting the kids to bed, this story of a little mushroom trying to find the sun was created... the kids loved it, and this image was created in my mind. (Although it always seems to turn out better in my head.)


  1. Oooooooooo...I love this idea and that cute little mushroom head.

  2. Kelli - Hi! I'm just getting around to check out everyone's work. These sketches are all delightful... My fav is the puppy on day 5 - and how awesome for you to acknowledge the storm victims. Blessings on your creativity.

  3. What a great idea and such an adorable character!

  4. Thanks so much, and nice to meet you also Laura. (I just figured out how to get email notifications when people post on my blog... I was missing quite a few.)

    Love seeing all of your drawings also. I need to catch up on more of everyone's sketches from this week!

    Linda this has really been a lot of fun, thank you!
