Friday, November 1, 2013

#SkADaMo and #PiBoIdMo: Day 1

I am excited that November is finally here! Without giving too much away, here is a sneak peek of a new character development that was created during my Sketch a Day and Picture Book idea. He is full of personality and suspense...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Cool! He's got plenty of attitude! This is an ongoing project? Should we be doing our sketches in color? (I see yours is quickly done, but adds so much!)

    1. Thanks Leanne! Links to SkADaMo and PiBoIdMo on the right side of this page. They are personal challenges for the month of November. I keep my sketches under 20 min. Sometimes adding color for future reference as picture book ideas ( the PiBoIdMo). It's all whatever you want it to be... As long as you are challenging yourself, being creative each day and most importantly having fun!!

  2. He looks great. I love the attitude he is showing. Very nice :)

  3. sweet! This is great! He has got style! :)
